Fayette County Public Schools has made major strides in closing student achievement gaps and raising proficiency during the past six years, but there is much to do, Superintendent Stu Silberman said in a "state of the schools" presentation Tuesday morning.
Silberman noted only three Fayette schools were scoring at proficiency level on state tests when he took over as superintendent in 2004, and 24 have reached that level now. Overall, he said, the district has moved 76 percent of its students into proficiency during the past few years.
Proficiency levels among some student subgroups in the district have improved during the same period. For example, the percentage of Hispanic students at proficient or distinguished level in reading is up more than 89 percent since 2004, according to district figures....
Day after this appears we are studying the data at our so-called grade level meetings.
What can we do to be better teachers? A few hints none of which we were allowed to tell the administartor: study hall for students who don't do their homework, individual tutoring, making parents follow the students who disrupt classes, making principals teaching a class or work with at-risk students, guidance counselors working with individual students, making reading specialist teaching more than two classes, making the technology person teach more than two classes, and telling the academic dean to work with struggling students.
Let the blame game begin: Stu wants more and teachers are expected to do it all. Sick day, anyone?
I HATE MY JOB IN FAYETTE COUNTY SCHOOLS. Teaching has turned into paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. No regard is being made for the workload placed on the teacher.
We need our reading specialist to teach classes. We need our so-called academic coach to teach classes. We need our technology coordinator to teach keyboarding. The principal should teach classes. Remember Keene Babbage? He always taught a class!
The kids who are most in need need one-on-one instruction. They need to be pulled out of classrooms for individualized instruction. They need a place in-school where they can complete their homework.
Too many generals in Fayette County Public Schools. Not enough soldiers. Sorry....
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