Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AASA Features Superintendents Who Blog

AASA has a piece on superintendents getting over techno fears and using Web 2.0 technologies to communicate.

This from AASA:

Superintendent Blogging

..."Terry Holliday, superintendent of the Iredell-Statesville Schools in North Carolina, used a combination of a blog, a website and a district electronic-issues bin to engage parents in a recent redrawing of attendance boundaries.

Holliday began his communication strategy by sending out e-mails to patrons on the school system’s mailing list. He followed by posting information on the website and then began blogging about the redistricting process.

The feedback he received from the public was tremendous, and blogging about it regularly kept the issue in front of the community. Proposals for new boundaries then were developed based on parent and community responses to the blog and the district electronic-issues bin." ...

Hat tip to KSBA.


Anonymous said...

Here is one Kentucky educator not impressed enough by Dr. Holliday to read his blog.


Richard Day said...

Sorry to hear that.

Perhaps you'll stop by my class when he visits this fall - for a reassessment. I'll let you know when the date is set.