Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kentucky Schools News and Commentary named 15th Most influential Political Blog in Kentucky

We're Number ......15 !

OK. It's not exactly the Nobel Peace Prize...or an Oscar....or even a Blue Ribbon at the local Science Fair (it may not even be completely true) ...but when one's humble little blog gets a rare piece of recognition, journalistic protocol demands that - in the interest of full disclosure - we pay ourselves a compliment.

Atta Boy.

This from BlognetNews:

Kentucky's Most Influential Political blogs

We don't know how this little tid bit is calculated but surely influence is inextricably tied to circulation (page views/links). The top three blogs belong to the Herald-Leader, the Courier-Journal and the Cincinnati Enquirer. Apparently, for the rest of us, the "fight" is for 4th place.

But we are not confused about who to thank. We thank all KSN&C readers for caring about school kids in Kentucky and for stopping by to read and comment. We'd also like to thank the Academy and everyone who voted for us. You like us! You really like us!

The worst part is - now that we've made this public - you just know Mark Hebert and the boys at Page One will get all hooked up and knock us off the list altogether.

We celebrate while we can. C'est le guerre.

BlogNetNews' Blogosphere Influence Rating combines a variety of data sets to determine which blogs are most powerfully influencing the direction of the Kentucky political blogosphere. The exact method BNN uses to calculate influence scores must remain proprietary in order to prevent attempts to game the system. BNN's methodology takes into account the fact that all Internet data is profoundly limited in its reliability by using multiple data sets that, when combined, reveal a fair picture of activity in the blogosphere.

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