Friday, March 06, 2009

KBE Selects Search Firm... but Doesn't Name It

At its meeting yesteray in Louisville, the Kentucky Board of Education interviewed four firms to handle the search for the next commissioner of education.

After the interviews, the board discussed the qualifications, experience and other attributes of each firm. Based on the members’ consensus scoring, one firm will be contacted and a contract negotiated for the search process.

Because of the restrictions of the Kentucky Model Procurement Code, the name of the top-scoring firm cannot be released until the terms of the contract have been established and entered into.

KSN&C has it on good authority that KDE is not even flirting with Ray & Associates. The board settled a law suit with that firm a couple of months ago, for something around $25 K. Problems surrounding the selection; public rejection; resignation of Education Commissioner candidate Barbara Erwin led to the suit.

The board had one additional agenda item for its meeting, which was held Wednesday and Thursday. The board agreed to waive the requirements relative to the timeline for graduation ceremonies outlined in state regulation (702 KAR 7:125) for the 2008-09 school year. This regulation mandates that graduation ceremonies be scheduled to occur following the completion of the instructional term. Many school districts are experiencing unanticipated hardships in scheduling the ceremonies due to large numbers of days missed because of inclement weather.

Local boards of education may ask for waivers of the regulation, and those will be reviewed by the commissioner of education.

SOURCE: KDE press release

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