Friday, March 20, 2009

Kentucky School Board to Meet

APRIL 1-2, 2009


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

STATE BOARD ROOM - 8:30 a.m. (EST)

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Discussion and overview with search firm on the commissioner’s search process (Open Session)
IV. Discussion with search firm to create preferred individual candidate characteristics (Closed Session, KRS 61.810 (1)(f) and KRS Chapter 45A)
V. Full Board Items
A. Approval of resolution to honor Stu Silberman, Fayette County Superintendent, as Kentucky Superintendent of the Year

(Lunch provided for KBE members, Invited Guests and Commissioner’s Planning Committee members only)

VI. Approval of minutes from the February 10-11, 2009, regular meeting and the March 4-5, 2009, special meeting
VII. Introduction of new KDE employees and KDE Team Members of the Month
VIII. Report of the Secretary of the Education Cabinet
IX. Report of the President of the Council on Postsecondary Education
X. Report of the Executive Director of the Education Professional Standards Board
XI. Report from the Pre-K to 16 Council
XII. Report of the Commissioner of Education
XIII. Good News Items
XIV. Public Comment Segment (To speak, complete sign-up sheet prior to start of meeting; limit is 3 minutes per speaker with maximum of 30 minutes total for this segment.)
XV. Full Board Items
A. Kentucky Student Information System: Infinite Campus (Review Item) -- Deputy Commissioner Larry Stinson and Division Director Kay Kennedy; 45-minute presentation/15-minute discussion (Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School)
B. Assist and Support School Improvement Success Team (ASSIST) Update (Review
Item) -- Associate Commissioners Johnnie Grissom and Sally Sugg; 20-minute presentation/10-minute discussion (Goal 1: High Student Performance, Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration, Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)


XVI. Management Committee Meeting
A. Action/Consent Items
1. District Facility Plan: Bell County School District (Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child)
2. District Facility Plan Amendment: Ballard County School District (Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child)

B. Review Items
1. 702 KAR 7:125, Pupil attendance (Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child)
2. 702 KAR 7:140, School Calendar (Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child)

XVII. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Committee Meeting
A. Action/Consent Item
1. Appointment to the State Textbook Commission
(Goal 1: High Student Performance,
Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration,
Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and
Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)

B. Review Item
1. Alteration of the textbook adoption cycle
(Goal 1: High Student Performance,
Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration,
Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and
Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)
2. Collaborative Center for Literacy Development and Kentucky Center for Mathematics: Update on statewide coaching initiatives (Goal 1: High Student Performance, Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration, Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)


Thursday, April 2, 2008

8:00 a.m. (EDT)

XVIII. Audit Committee Meeting
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Audit Update and Review of the Commissioner’s and Board’s Expenses
D. Adjournment


XIX. Full Board Items
A. Safety training for high school athletics (Review Item) -- KHSAA Commissioner Brigid DeVries; 30-minute presentation/discussion (Goal 3: Strong and Supportive
Environment for Each School and Every Child
B. Update from AdvanceKentucky (Review Item) -- Joanne Lang, Executive Director of AdvanceKentucky for the Kentucky Science and Technology Council and Dale Fleury, Regional Director of the National Math and Science Initiative; 40-minute presentation/10-minute discussion (Goal 1: High Student Performance, Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration, Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)
C. 2009 Elementary and secondary legislation (Review Item) (Attachment under separate cover) -- Deputy Commissioner Ruth Webb and Legislative Liaison Frank Rasche; 30-minute presentation/10-minute discussion (Goal 1: High Student Performance, Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration, Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)
D. Budget Reduction Update and 2010-2012 Biennial Budget Process (Review Item) -- Deputy Commissioner Ruth Webb and Associate Commissioner Joe Lancaster; 20-minute presentation/10-minute discussion (Goal 1: High Student Performance, Goal 2: High Quality Teaching and Administration, Goal 3: Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child and Goal 4: High Performing Schools and Districts)
E. Hearing Officer's Report -- General Counsel Kevin Brown; 10-minute presentation/discussion F. 701 KAR 5:031, Repeal of 701 KAR 5:035, Procedures for Record Requests (Review) -- General Counsel Kevin Brown; 10-minute presentation/discussion
XX. Approval of Action/Consent Agenda Items (approved as a block of items)
A. District facility plans
B. District facility plan amendments

XXI. Report of the Audit Committee
XXII. Board Member Sharing
XXIII. Information Items
A. KDE Employment Report (Goal 1: High Student Performance)
XXIV. Internal Board Business
XXV. Litigation Report
XXVI. Adjournment

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