Friday, February 01, 2008

University presidents say cuts will harm economy

FRANKFORT -- Six state university presidents told a friendly panel of legislators Thursday that Kentucky must avoid big budget cuts for postsecondary education if the state expects to achieve economic progress.

"We can't cut our way to economic prosperity," said Morehead State University President Wayne Andrews. "We've got to figure out ways to increase revenue for the commonwealth." ...

...Gary Ransdell, president of Western Kentucky University, called the proposed cuts "severe and devastating" and said it would take a 20 percent tuition increase to make up for the lost money.

However, Ransdell said, "Kentucky families cannot bear that kind of burden" given recent high tuition increases.

"The burden of the state budget's woes should not be placed on our universities," he said.
Eastern Kentucky University President Doug Whitlock said he is "guardedly optimistic" that the universities will not suffer the full 12 percent of Beshear's proposed cut.

This from PolWatchers.

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