Friday, February 08, 2008

Dr Phil's sweet talk fails Britney. This is a job for Matthew Israel.

The entertainment press reports ad nauseum on poor little rock star, Britney Spears. This week it was reported that she spent some time in a padded room. In theraputic settings, this is typically indicative of combative behaviors.

I'm certainly not up-to-speed on the particulars - but it sounds like she has defiantly engaged in some destructive behaviors while failing to respond to traditional therapies, including some drive-by counseling from Dr Phil.

It's time to crank up the reinforcers, and I know just the guy to do it.

When it comes to finding the most effective treatment for misbehavior (ethical considerations notwithstanding), one should ask, What would Matthew L. Israel do?

Since he once cured a spoiled 3-year old - and presently runs the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center where he practices aversive techniques including electric shocks regularly - he is not without skills. It's just a question of firepower. I wonder what he would think up for Britney.

Are 3 skin shocks enough?

Is 77 too many?

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