Friday, February 06, 2009

Less CATS = More Budget. Is there a Deal?

Apparently Mark Hebert and I are thinking along the same lines.

His question is: "What is David Williams getting in return for supporting tax hikes to balance the state budget?"

My question is: "Do you think that, if there was adequate funding, that the notion of measuring school performance might give way to the notion of measuring individual performance?"

In other words, is there a middle ground being forged out of tough economic times where wholesale changes to the CATS assessment has become a bargaining chip in exchange for increased revenue to maintain essential funding?

Mark asked his question of Governor Steve Beshear. I asked Kentucky Board of Education member Dorie Combs.

The governor said, 'No.' "...his call for a review of KERA is not linked to any potential budget and taxes deal with legislators."

Combs wouldn't even go there.

But the governor said something else. Beshear said flatly "we don't have a deal yet."


So for today, Mark and I are wrong. But I'll bet a nickel that we'll be right soon enough.

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