As the U.S.
continues to reckon with a widening income gap between the wealthiest
Americans and marginalized communities, politicians and advocates have
often cited education access as one of the greater contributors—and
potential solutions—to the problem.
educational opportunities to shrink income disparities depends on
increasing the resources available to school districts. But funding
alone is not enough to equalize access to a quality education. Schools
need new and innovative approaches to turn resources into student
results that beget success in the world beyond the classroom. A look
back at historical challenges to education access demonstrates how far
the U.S. has come, and highlights the obstacles facing students today
compared with those of prior generations.
Third-grade class in Chicago.
Access to
education in the U.S. has improved for demographic groups across four
important categories: race, class, ethnicity, and gender. But progress
on these fronts has been slow and contentious. Historically, local,
state, and federal leaders have instead used education as a tool to
control minority populations.
Consider the forced assimilation of Native
American children during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These
children were sent to boarding schools to acculturate them into a
dominant white American society. They were forbidden from speaking in
native tongues and were renamed for heroic historical figures like
Philip Sheridan and Ulysses S. Grant. Meanwhile, Chinese and Latino
children were denied equal access to education in many parts of the
country as school systems, spurred on by communities’ xenophobic fears,
pushed for laws or found loopholes that allowed them to segregate public
These experiences extended to larger immigrant groups as well, such as the WWI-era pressure
on German-American parochial schools in Texas, California, the Midwest,
and major cities throughout the Northeast to forgo their ties to German
culture. This discrimination grew to include forbidding non-English
instruction to students of German descent, as politicians and the
American public questioned whether schools founded by ethnic religious
orders could be loyal to the U.S. in a time of war.
ethnic groups pushed back against the restrictions as they were
imposed, calling on the U.S. government to address inequalities in
education access. Progress took time, accumulating in piecemeal gains
for minorities.
Building on other education-related
legislation throughout the 20th century, Congress took a significant
step forward in 1974 with the passage of the Equal Educational
Opportunities Act, which required schools to accommodate bilingual
students, among other measures. In most states today, instead of
shutting out non-English speaking students, K-12 schools and
universities now offer programs teaching English as a second language,
and hire reading and language specialists to work with students to get
them past the language barrier.
In a sense, improved
access to education came as a result of a more inclusive definition of
citizenship in the last century. African Americans, however, have been
at the center of the most contentious challenges to that inclusivity. In
1899, Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education built upon the impact of Plessy v. Ferguson
three years prior by upholding a community’s right to choose not to
provide public education for black students. Parents of black children
who were refused education by their local school boards were still
required to pay taxes to support public education for the rest of the
district, and were told to move to a district that ran a segregated
school if they wanted their children to be educated.
later during the civil-rights era, many Americans realized that access
to education was an easy measuring stick to judge true progress for
marginalized communities. That awareness wasn’t limited to U.S.
citizens. Government leaders were shamed into taking action on
integrating schools and rolling out new busing policies when the Soviet Unionmocked segregation as evidence that the U.S. couldn’t back up its claimed principles of liberty and equality.
Today, African American enrollment at universities is steadily increasing, but there is still a 20-point gap in graduation rates between African American and white students. Despite Brown v. Board of Education, segregation is reemerging in K-12 schools, as white schools get whiter and black schools in poor, inner-city neighborhoods continue to suffer a marked achievementgap.
Scholars even point to lack of access to quality preschool programs as one indicator of later struggles.
In many districts, black students in K-12 schools are also still
suspended at rates disproportionate to their numbers, and
college-educated blacks experienceda sharper drop in net worth and income than college-educated whites in the last decade.
It should be noted here that poor, white school districts are also cutting programs in the arts, physical education, and extracurricular activities to keep doors open,
which has caused concerns about graduation rates. As with other
countries, race and class are so intertwined in the U.S. that it is
often difficult to distinguish whether inferior educational
opportunities stem exclusively from one category or the other.
this, the government attempted to address the impact of class on
education; then-President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
in 1965, which was designed to alleviate access to education issues for
low-income students, and was reauthorized by President George W. Bush
in 2002 as No Child Left Behind. Yet many Americans—teachers, parents,
administrators, and politicians alike—debate whether access has improved
and whether the role of class can be addressed without addressing race
as well.
As schools have made progress in closing
achievement gaps among racial groups, gender-related inequality has
shrunk in the K-12 classroom over the last several decades. In fact, educators and scholars have even gone so far as to question whether schools have left boys behind in the effort to enhance education for girls:
Most universities in the U.S. today record gender ratios that tip far
toward a female majority. This is especially the case for black women,
who attend college in larger numbers than black men and boast a nearly 10 percent higher graduation rate than their male counterparts.
female students could obtain an education at several public and private
universities by the mid-20th century, they still found doors closed to
them professionally. Many of those doors have since opened, but even
today, women experience an income gap of 21 percent. For women, improved access to education has not yet meant freedom from income inequality.
the country has moved past explicit policies to keep particular groups
of citizens from academic opportunity, the skyrocketing costs of higher
education have served as their own restriction on access—which brings us
to the issue of student-loan debt.
As of 2013, nearly 70 percent of graduating college seniors had student-loan debt, averaging around $28,000 each.
Many universities have struggled to keep up with shifting expectations
in the last two decades, during which students have demanded increased
luxuries on campus and skill-based professional programs.
for a college diploma, students sometimes resort to predatory
for-profit universities (an industry now under growing scrutiny),
worsening their chances of success outside of the lecture hall. Even for
those students who take the traditional route through vetted
universities, post-graduation incomes for many positions have remained
frozen at pre-9/11 rates, leaving students to wonder if their degrees
will help them in the marketplace at all.
This in turn hurts the greater economy: Anxious, cash-strapped graduates are more likely topostpone the first steps
of adulthood, such as buying a car or house, or getting married. This
entire crisis suggests that college has not overcome class issues to
improve access to education.
Instead, Americans have
come to value a college education so much, they are willing to mortgage
their futures. Student debt has become a pet issue among presidential
candidates, many of whom make a point of appealing to younger Americans
with a sympathetic stance. It remains to be seen what impact lowering
the financial barriers to higher education might have on income and
academic equality.
The U.S. has made headway in
educational opportunities with each generation, but improved access has
thus far not served as an immediate salve for deep-seated societal
problems. While resources for schools remain scarce in the current
economic environment, traditionally disadvantaged populations continue
to suffer the consequences.
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