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Monday, May 23, 2016
More than five years after adopting Common Core, Kentucky’s black-white achievement gap is widening
Now the state is rolling out new ideas for closing it
Common Core State Standards is a good idea, but expecting Common Core - or any any set of curriculum standards - to close achievement gaps is just wishful hoping, or political posturing perhaps. Common Core will close achievement gaps when it assures every student is healthy, has educated parents, and provides them with safe communities to live in. In the meantime we may need to content ourselves with Common Core helping all students achieve more than they once did.
This from the Hechringer Report:
The second-graders in Sarah Bowling’s class at Dunn Elementary were on a scavenger hunt to find “arrays.”
Photo: Luba Ostashevsky
The bookshelf had a picture of three rows of five fish. The door had
an image of four rows with three beach pails in each. Several other
pictures were strategically placed in different corners of the brightly
decorated classroom. The students cradled clipboards with a worksheet as
they moved from spot to spot, writing out mathematical expressions such
as: 5+5+5 = 15 and 3+3+3+3+3=15, to convince themselves that three
fives is the same as five threes.
But three of the students were seated on the carpet in the middle of
the room. They were getting “Dolphin time” — individualized instruction
with Bowling, who was talking them through the difference between rows
and columns.
Two dolphins on the rug are African-American. While the classes at
Dunn Elementary have kids of all skill levels mixed together, there is,
on average, a persistent gap between many kids of color and the rest of
the students.
The different levels are designated as tiers. “Tier-3” kids, such as
the dolphins, are those not meeting expectations on in-class tests, and
Bowling was working to catch them up. Students don’t start taking
standardized tests until third grade, but Bowling is still tracking her
students closely.
A lot is at stake. It was hoped that the persistent gap would be
closing by now. It’s been over five years since Kentucky adopted the
Common Core, guidelines for what students need to know in math and the
English language arts in each grade.
Introduced as an ambitious educational reform at the end of the last
decade to make sure that, across the U.S., students graduating from the
K-12 system are college and career ready, Common Core has ramped up
academic expectations that schools everywhere, including those in
Kentucky, are still far from meeting.
Kentucky stepped into the national spotlight in 2010 when it became
the first state to adopt the standards after the Obama administration
offered federal money to help pay the costs. (Over 40 other states and
the District of Columbia eventually adopted the Common Core.) On
Kentucky’s previous state tests, tied to its old standards, over 70
percent of elementary school students scored at a level of “proficiency”
or better in both reading and math. Once the state introduced the
Common Core-aligned tests in the spring of 2012, that percentage dropped
28 points in reading (to 48 percent) and 33 points in math (to 40
percent), according to the Kentucky Department of Education. Middle and
high school students’ scores also dropped.
Scores have been edging up ever since. By spring 2015, 54 percent of
Kentucky elementary school students were proficient in the English
language arts and 49 percent were proficient in math.
Despite that improvement, within those numbers are hidden divisions
that have existed for decades. Breaking the scores down shows that
African-American students fare much worse than their white peers.
In spring 2015, in the elementary grades, 33 percent of black
students were proficient in reading, versus 58 percent of white
students; in math, the breakdown was 31 percent to 52 percent, according
to Kentucky Department of Education figures.
And those gaps, in many cases, have widened, according to an analysis of state testing data by The Hechinger Report and the Courier-Journal.
In Jefferson County Public Schools in 2011-12, the first year of
Common Core testing, 25 percent of black third-graders were proficient
or better in reading, compared to 54 percent of white third-graders. By
2015, when the majority of those same students likely had reached sixth
grade, the percentage of proficient black sixth-graders had inched up 2
points while that of white sixth-graders had increased more than 4
Graphic: Davin McHenry
The students at Dunn Elementary, located in a leafy and affluent
section of Louisville, had average scores about 20 points higher than
the rest of the state. From 2012 to 2015, its white and black students
saw improvement on reading tests, and the black students in many cases
outscored their black peers in the rest of the district. But at the same
time, white students at Dunn scored proficient or better in both math
and reading at more than double the percentage of black students.
Closing these gaps was one of the goals of Common Core reform.
In the past, “Schools that were in low-income areas and predominately
served students of color often had very low standards for their
students that did not prepare them adequately. When the [Common Core]
standards were first introduced, I sent them to my sister, a college
professor of English, and she wrote back right away, ‘Yeah, this is what
you need to succeed in college,’ ” said Sonja Brookins Santelises, vice
president of K-12 policy and practice at the Education Trust, a
Washington, D.C.-based research group.
Now, Kentucky finds itself at a crossroads. With four years’ worth of
testing to show after its quick embrace of Common Core, it’s clear that
raising standards was not enough to help all learners. In a state that
has tried and failed for decades to eradicate disparities for its
low-income and black students, Santelises said, “We knew that the
tougher standards had to be followed up with extra attention to students
who were behind.” The recent results have sparked new ideas and fueled a
redoubled effort to reach those kids.
Graphic: Davin McHenry
Dolphin time
“Array” was not a term commonly heard in a second-grade math class
before Common Core. It’s a computing term that allows users to scale up
large amounts of data in list-like sets handy for programming. But
Common Core introduced arrays as a way for students to grasp that adding
groups of numbers together is a form of multiplication.
Part of Common Core’s mission was to streamline math, cutting out the
fluff that bogged down old standards in many states, and focusing
instead on learning concepts in a progression that will teach kids what
they need to know to master algebra in high school. Heather McGovern, a
former teacher (now a counselor) at Bowen Elementary, also in
Louisville, said “the previous standards were bulky.” Common Core has
made it easier to teach time, for example, by splitting learning about
hours and minutes into separate strands across three grades instead of
grouping them together.
The Common Core was also intended to add a deeper level of inquiry to
math class: making the ability to describe how you arrived at a
solution as important as memorizing facts. Teachers are supposed to make
children partners in the acquisition of knowledge, helping them to see
that math isn’t only — or even mainly — about right answers, it’s about
exploration and discovery, and the sort of critical thinking and
problem-solving they’ll do in college some day.
Back at Dunn, Bowling was very explicit about students’ need to master repeated addition before moving on.
“Is multiplication the standard for second grade?” she asked the class of 24 kids.
“Nooooo,” they roared back knowingly.
“That’s right!” Bowling affirmed. Multiplication doesn’t come until
third grade, but at Dunn, educators want students to be able to see how
their learning will progress.
“When we have the foundation for understanding how we can add up
groups of things, we’ll then be able to understand multiplication.”
Standing off to the side and periodically asking the students to tie
their shoelaces or say, “Excuse me” as they pranced about the room,
Principal Tracy Barber explained that “Dolphin time” is a reference to
the Dunn mascot. Calling the group that needs extra help something
special is a way to get the Tier-3 students to feel encouraged rather
than discouraged about the distance they need to go to catch up with
their peers.
“No kiddo is stigmatized. It’s all hands on deck till all my students meet the standards,” Barber added.
One of the students looked up from the floor and announced to his two friends, “This is hard.”
Barber knows it. In practice, getting everyone to that “foundation
for understanding” requires plenty of attention and effort by the
Second-graders at Louisville's Dunn Elementary
Dunn serves more than 600 kids in mostly white, middle-class Windy
Hills, in the East End of Louisville. But it pulls 15 percent of its
students from downtown and Portland, a neighborhood in the West End.
They’re a mix of black and white students, and most are low-income. (At
Dunn, 19 percent of students receive free or reduced-price school
The kids from the other parts of the city are bussed here as part of a
managed choice plan. The plan means that unlike schools in many big
urban districts, every school here has some level of racial and economic
diversity. It also means that in Louisville the achievement gap is
everyone’s problem. Even here in the affluent suburbs, a big part of
Barber’s job is to make sure that every child, whether from down the
street or downtown, is making progress.
“Every fall I sit down with the scores and think about what can be done to help the learners who are behind,” Barber said.
When she became principal in August 2014, Barber started the tier
system. Though students of all levels are in the same classroom most of
the time, advanced students are sometimes pulled out for enrichment and
the children not meeting expectations get more time with the teacher.
Barber isn’t sure yet if the sort of individual instruction Tier-3 students are getting with Bowling is working.
“There are some kiddos who start school behind. They aren’t coming
from a print-rich environment, they don’t have the same word
acquisition,” she said.
That’s why this summer the school is going further to reach its
neediest kids: Teachers at Dunn are volunteering their time for a
three-day camp for entering kindergarteners, to teach them the key
concepts they’ll need to know before school starts.
Behind even before starting school
Hold a book, name different colors, count up to 30, recognize letters
and name parts of the body such as the nose, elbows, knees and stomach.
While these tasks may sound easy, only half of the 7,000 children
entering kindergarten every year in the Jefferson County Public Schools
are deemed ready by Kentucky’s school readiness assessment (known as
Brigance), according to Jimmy Wathen, an early education specialist at
As many researchers have noted, socio-economic differences among
families — which often track with race — account for one of the main
reasons some students start school knowing their ABCs and numbers, and
others don’t. And when kids start behind, it’s tough for them to catch
This summer, it’s not only Dunn kids who are getting interventions
before they start school. A private group has raised nearly a million
dollars to run a four-week kindergarten preparedness program for 1,200
students in Louisville; it may eventually expand to reach all kids
entering kindergarten in Jefferson County each fall.
The program is an extension of the George Unseld Early Childhood
Learning Center in Newburg, a mostly African-American area. The center
opened in 2013 to address the achievement gap, and today it educates
about 350 3- to 5-year olds who are from low-income families or who have
learning disabilities; it also provides extra supports, like dental and
vision care.
A visit to the center on an early spring day found the kids coming
back from planting sunflowers in the garden and having story time with a
book that taught them the names of all the vegetables. The children are
in mixed-age classrooms where the student-to-teacher ratio is 10-to-1.
They are assessed regularly.
Data suggest programs like this could help shrink the achievement
gap. The children who attended the equivalent of one week or less of the
four-week camp scored 47 percent on the Brigance test, while those who
attended the equivalent of three weeks or more scored 74 percent,
according to figures provided by JCPS.
A question of resources
Other educators think that the state and the Jefferson County Public
Schools will have to take much more radical steps to give black and
low-income students what they need to compete on a level playing field
with their peers.
Kevin Cosby is head of the historically black Simmons College and
pastor of St. Stephen Church. He’s been working to improve the education
of the black community in Louisville for more than three decades. The
idea of Common Core resonated with him after former state commissioner
of education Terry Holliday visited the church to promote it.
Holliday “talked convincingly about how schools were failing
African-American children and that the new Common Core state standards
would change that,” Cosby said.
But with the gap stubbornly wide five years after implementation,
Cosby said that the challenge as he sees it is “that the core is not
always common.” If he had his druthers, he said, schools would have
longer hours, provide children with three meals and help them do their
homework. Schools would also be open on Saturdays and through the
“Another issue is that black students need to have their culture
celebrated, which schools run by white females do not do,” he said.
“Only by being proud of their history can students reach their highest
levels of achievement.”
Now Cosby said he is “an ally” of voices that advocate for more
resources to be shifted to zip codes where predominately students of
color live. This is the goal of Jerry Stephenson, the minister at the
Midwest Church of Christ who leads the “Pastors in Action Coalition,” a
group of 50 Kentucky pastors who aim to bring charter schools to the
state (Kentucky is currently one of eight states without charter
schools). A bill was introduced to the state legislature in March and was passed in the Senate but killed in the House.
The moral imperative
In Kentucky, African-American males are more likely to go to prison
than complete a four-year college degree, Terry Holliday said in a
recent interview. It’s one of the main reasons he brought Common Core to
In a 2015 blog post before he stepped down, Holliday argued that it
was a “moral imperative” for the state to help more students reach a
higher level of learning. To make his case, he presented some “startling
numbers” about the present-day situation.
“We have more than 80,000 students performing at the novice level in
reading and more than 60,000 students performing at the novice level in
math,” he wrote. “These are the students who will be challenged to
complete high school. These are the students who will not reach college-
and career-readiness. These are the students who will need social
services. These are the students who have a high likelihood of
incarceration. These are the students that Kentucky must care more about
and provide intervention for before it is too late.”
The inauguration of Gov. Matt Bevin has since put Kentucky’s Common
Core reforms in limbo. Bevin campaigned against Common Core, although
his administration may only “tweak the standards,” in the words of the
new state education commissioner, Stephen Pruitt, who previously worked
at the nonprofit Achieve, a major supporter of Common Core.
Common Core’s staying power now depends on politics — and on whether the state’s achievement gap finally starts to shrink.
Pruitt is encouraged by the current efforts at schools such as at
Dunn to address the individual needs of students. In a similar vein, the
Kentucky Department of Education recently started the Novice Reduction
for Gap Closure program, which is focused entirely on closing the
state’s achievement gap. Among other things, it helps teachers become
more sensitive and culturally attuned to the level of diversity in their
classrooms. An online platform shares the advice of teachers with
experience in diverse schools, and the state is working with districts
to suggest interventions teachers can use to reach students. Pruitt
expects these new efforts to close what he calls “the opportunity gap.”
More than five years in, Kentucky may be ahead of the rest of the
country on its use of the Common Core, but Common Core’s supporters say
the state and the standards still need more time to move the needle.
“We’re still at the start of implementation,” said Education Trust’s
Santelises. “It’ll take longer to see the results of Common Core.”
In the interest of full disclosure, I was interviewed by author Luba Ostashevsky for this report.
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