Saturday, January 31, 2009

UofL Committee Raises Questions about Shared Governance

A faculty committee report submitted to President James Ramsey by, and with the full concurrance of Provost Shirley Willihnganz, calls into question the university's adherence to, and consistency in, enforcing its own policies.
"while the central administration typically abides by the principles of collegial governance by consulting in a timely fashion with the leadership of the faculty, staff, and student senates on policies that affect those groups across units of the university, the events in the CEHD have raised some concerns about how consistently the rules of shared governance are followed within units."
Citing insufficient orientation, training and evaluation of unit administrators, the committee states,

"In particular, it appears that accountability for adherence to established principles of collegial governance may be weaker at the level of unit administration than any other level of administration."

The balance of the report contains a set of recommendations that the university follow its own polcies and the establish a new University Ombudsperson to mediate problems.

The committee did not set out to uncover infractions at the university, and it didn't. Rather, it offered a set of recommendations for "looking forward."

Find a copy of the report at PageOne Kentucky.

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