Monday, July 26, 2010

So, he was crazy when he shot those folks, but he feels better now and would like to get out of jail.

This from the Paducah Sun (subscription)
Carneal receives February hearing

A hearing that could last 10 days will be held in February to determine if Michael Carneal’s mental illness prevented him from appealing his guilty plea to the Dec. 1, 1997, murders of four Heath High School students.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Russell on Friday set the Feb. 7 hearing during a conference call with Carneal’s public defender and a representative of the state attorney general’s office...


Anonymous said...

No death penalty advocate here, byt Mr. Carneal must remain in jail for life. It's the only just punishment for ending the lives of others.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me! he's ready to go home? WOW! He was mature enough in 1997 when he knew how to load, conceal and handle the 5 weapons prior to him killing 3 and injuring 5 others! He should have received the death penalty! But he wants to go home!! YOU ARE HOME YOU IDIOT! ENJOY PRISON! AND IF GETS PAROLED IN 25 YEARS THOSE 3 INNOCENT CHILDREN'S DEATHS WILL MEAN THEIR LIVES WERENT WORTH ANYTHING TO ANYONE! DONT DARE DISRESPECT THEIR MEMORY BYE LETTING HIM GO HOME!
That would be a total miscarriage of justice if he ever steps out of prison!